Grow your business next year by making wise choices based on timely and accurate information! This information is often at your fingertips and many clients don’t take advantage of this valuable resource.
Each year I get many calls asking me to help companies gather their data and correct their records so they can submit them to their tax preparer for use in processing their tax return. These clients tend to view their accounting system a recordkeeping device for tax preparation and forget the advantages of using their records to help make intelligent management decisions on a timely basis. When you wait until after year end to enter transactions you’ve lost the ability to use the information timely for management purposes and you are more likely to have errors and omissions in your records.
My advice to you is to record transactions timely and use the reports and dashboards that your accounting system provides to you!
If your accounting system does not meet your information needs you may need more training or you may need to upgrade your software. Now is the time to determine if you have a training issue or you need to upgrade. If you need to Upgrade, I suggest contacting your tax preparer for advice, referrals, and/or assistance so you can start the New Year getting information that will help you manage your business.
Have a prosperous and healthy New Year and if there is anything I can do to help you please contact me at