QuickBooks Pro & Premier Opportunity!

2018 QuickBooks Desktop Pro & Premier versions will be released next month, however if you purchase the 2017 version now, you will get a free 2018 version of the same product since your purchase is within 60 days of the product release.

Why should you buy now instead of waiting? You will be purchasing software at 2017 prices rather than 2018 prices. Please note that this offer is for the software version that is not a subscription and  will work this year and in all future years!

Call ie Solutions today for pricing and current promotions!


It’s that time of year to look at payroll options…

If you are unhappy with your current payroll system, or if you want to automate the process of recording payroll; it’s the perfect time to evaluate payroll options.
I would like to tell you about Intuit Assisted Payroll. . This is the payroll service that I recommend for the following reasons

Payroll checks post directly to your QuickBooks file.

Intuit handles all tax payments and filing of forms.

Intuit is the largest provider of small business payroll services.

Pricing is competitive and most clients save money by switching to Intuit.

I can also offer a  20% discount on the monthly fee, for first year.
Call or email now to sign up! Ilene Eisen 831.373.8200 ilene.eisen@ie-solutions,biz

Don’t spend another year typing  payroll transaction in your QuickBooks Company file!!!

Starting a new payroll service in January, is both the best time to make a change and the busiest time to make the change.

Intuit is scheduling the conversion process appointments beginning November 1st o Be one of the first to receive training in 2016 and be ready to process your 2017 payroll timely!

ie Solutions Receives Var Stars Award

Bob Scott’s VAR Stars 2015 Announced

IE Solutions, has been selected as a member of the Bob Scott’s VAR Stars for 2015, a group of 100 organizations honored for their accomplishments in the field of midmarket financial software

Members of the VAR Stars were selected based on factors such growth, industry leadership and recognition, and innovation. Selection is not based on revenue and those firms chosen represent a wide range of size and many different software publishers of accounting software.

“Each year, 100 VAR Stars are picked from the best organizations that market financial software. It is always an honor to recognize those who contribute to the development of our business,” Bob Scott said.

About Bob Scott
Bob Scott has been informing and entertaining the mid-market financial software community via his email newsletters for 16 years. He has published this information via the “Bob Scott’s Insights” newsletter and website since 2009. He has covered this market for 24 years through print and electronic publications, first as technology editor of Accounting Today and then as the Editor of Accounting Technology from 1997 through 2009. He has covered the traditional tax and accounting profession during the same time and has continued to address that market as executive editor of the Progressive Accountant since 2009.

About Progressive Media Group, Inc.
Progressive Media Group (PMG) www.PMGB2B.com is a leading online media company that provides business-to-business (B2B) marketers and media planners unparalleled access to a highly qualified and engaged audience through their portfolio of lead generation programs, industry-specific Web sites, email newsletters, Web seminars, live events, podcasts, content/reviews, custom publishing and direct marketing databases focusing on the nonprofit, healthcare and accounting professionals.
2015  VAR StarLogo

Is QuickBooks EMV Compatible?

Many clients have contacted me regarding Europay, MasterCard, and Visa (EMV) chip credit cards https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EMV requesting more information on the technology, process, and requirements.

Cards with EMV Chips

Many of you have already received one or more EMV chip cards which have a small computer chip in the card that stores information digitally rather than relying upon the magnetic strip that we are used in the  in the past.  This change is to enhance security and reduce credit card fraud, more information on implementing these changes can be found at http://usa.visa.com/download/merchants/visa-merchant-chip-acceptance-readiness-guide.pdf & http://quickbooks.intuit.com/r/emv-migration/what-is-emv-and-why-do-i-need-it

Processing Transactions with EMV Chip Cards

EMV chip cards can be processed using three different methods.  However only the 1st option will increase security and reduce credit card fraud.

Equipment that uses an EMV Chip Reader AND EMV Compatible Software

Swipe the Magnet Strip in a card reader

Manually enter the Credit/Debit Card number

For more information on the EMV process see http://usa.visa.com/personal/security/chip-technology/emv-chip.jsp & http://quickbooks.intuit.com/r/technology-and-security/step-by-step-guide-to-emv-migration-for-small-businesses

EMV Compliant Software

Is QuickBooks EMV Compliant? The answer is, it depends on the version of QuickBooks the following QuickBooks Software versions are EMV compatible.

QuickBooks Online

QuickBooks Point of Sale Version 12 is EMV Compatible

2016 Quick Books Pro/Premier/Accountant is EMV compatible

16.0 QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions is EMV compatible

Keep in mind that having an EMV compatible version does not make the reseller’s sales transactions compliant.  You also need to process the EMV card with equipment that reads the EMV chip.

Is EMV Compliance Required by a Given Date?

Starting October 1st, 2015, liability for fraudulent credit/debit card transactions will shift from the card issuer to the merchant if the transaction uses an EMV chip card and is not processed on EMV compliant software & card reader.  HOWEVER,

Intuit is extending the EMV liability shift by six months for its QuickBooks Payments customers to allow everyone more time to transition. If you are a QuickBooks Payments customer and unknowingly accept a counterfeit EMV card using your magnetic stripe reader, Intuit will assume your liability for the fraud until March 31, 2016. For further details around Intuit’s extended liability shift, please refer to the liability chart here.Intuit has extended this date to March 31, 2016 for customers using their credit/debit card processing solutions.  https://support.quickbooks.intuit.com/support/articles/inf23795


I hope this helps explain the EMV concepts and implementation.  Please contact me if you have any addition questions regarding QuickBooks and the processing of EMV transactions at Ilene.eisen@ie-solutions.biz

QuickBooks 2016 at QuickBooks 2015 Prices

I’m currently taking orders for QuickBooks 2016 desktop versions.  The new version will be released next month, however if you purchase the 2015 version now you will get a  free 2016 version of the same product since your purchase is within 60 days of the product release.

Buying now works really well going into the busy season if you could use an additional copy of the 2015 software.  Also you will be purchasing at 2015 prices rather than 2016 in the event of possible price increase.

Please note that Intuit is also selling the Desktop versions and the  “Plus” versions.  The feature differences in the two products are as follows:

 QuickBooks Accountant Desktop – Advantages

Not a subscription will work this year and in following years

QuickBooks Accountant Plus – Advantages & Disadvantages

Client Collaborator – In product messaging that can be used rather than email.

Access to Accountant Toolbox from Pro or Premier Versions – This is helpful ONLY if you are working on the client’s books offsite and they have QuickBooks Pro or Premier

Subscription Product – software will cease to work if the subscription is cancelled

 Please let me know if you are interested in placing an order for the Desktop Version.


Do I Really Need to Update My Accounting Software?

Many clients that I work with are skeptical about updating their accounting software on a regular basis.  I believe that if you plan to stay in business you need accounting software.  If you plan to continue using your current software you should update it regularly and if you plan on changing or upgrading to another version, make the change as soon as possible.

If you are interested or currently using a cloud application upgrading is not an issue and the publisher will install updates for you.  Keep in mind that some applications with limited functionality are free.  My personal preference is to use applications that do not  limit functionality like QuickBooks Online (QBO) where you can expect to pay an annual or monthly fee.

Accounting software is changing at a rapid pace and so is the way we pay for it.  Many firms are going to a subscription model that requires monthly or annual payments in order for you to continue to use the software.

This year QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions (QBES) moved from a purchase model to a subscription model.  If you are currently using QBES, and paying for the annual Full Service Plan (FSP) make sure you look at the new subscription levels to evaluate your costs and functionality using either method, if you choose to stay with the FSP rather than subscription, you must continue to pay on an annual basis to remain in this discontinued plan.

If your software requires an annual payment to receive updates and  you do not pay the fee you will not receive new features, your software may not work with new operating systems, and security issues will not be addressed.  All these items will cost money, time, and reduce productivity.

If your software does not have an annual plan and you must re-purchase the software, evaluate the new features each year to identify changes.  Also consult with the vendor to identify how long they “support” a version and will continue to issue free updates.  I recommend only using supported versions.

Intuit supports QuickBooks Desktop products for a little more than three years.  After that period the technical support staff cannot answer questions, free updates for minor changes are not created, and connected services like payroll may not be supported.

Many clients are concerned about installing updates and fear that it will “break” the software and do not want to make any changes.  I understand your concern.  My suggestion is that you wait on installing  software updates for 1 – 2 months for annual updates, in this time software publishers will generally be made aware of any issues and correct as much as possible, or warn users regarding known issues.  If your software is updated less regularly, I would wait longer and consult to reseller to determine when it is advisable to update.

This article was inspired by the following article Accounting Software Updates: Are they Necessary?

If you have any questions regarding this article, or would like further information,  please contact Ilene Eisen, CPA.CITP at ilene.eisen@ie-solutions.biz

New QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions Subscription Plans

This month Intuit changed the way they sell NEW versions QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions (QBES), it is now sold on an annual subscription and will no longer function if the subscription is not renewed.  In addition to the Subscription, there are three packages that a customer chooses from, Silver includes Advanced Reporting, Gold includes advanced Reporting and Enhanced Payroll, and Platinum which includes advanced Reporting, Enhanced Payroll, Advanced Inventory, and Advanced Pricing.  Customers who currently own QBES will not be affected by this change.

Selling QBES on a subscription basis is a major change in the relationship between Intuit and the end user.  In the past a customer would purchase the software and had the option of purchasing the Full Service Plan (FSP) after the first year to keep the software current, if you did not purchase the FSP plan annually the software would continue to work, however you no longer receive product updates, online backup and technical support services.

The advantage of the subscription plan is that it is less expensive to add Enhanced Payroll and Advanced Inventory especially for customers with fewer users. The new price structure is also easier for customers to understand without having to price add-ons like payroll, Advanced Inventory and Advanced Pricing.  If the new structure reduces your cost, you can contact Intuit to switch to the subscription model, however this would be a non-revocable decision.

The disadvantage is that if you do not renew the subscription on an annual basis you will lose the ability to use or access your accounting software.

Saving Money on Monthly Expenses

Lately I’ve been working with clients on their budgets.  I notice they spend a lot of time on maximizing the income section and then they treat the expense section like a ball and chain and feel they have no options.  I suggest clients review monthly expenses at least once a year.  Call vendors to see if they can reduce fees or change service plans.

I will call my vendors and ask about plan changes for cell phones, internet, software contracts, website hosting, and fax service.  I often find that my usage is examined and a plan change will save me money or provide additional benefits that I need.  These calls take time, but the benefit is ongoing savings.  Many times we wait until a contract expires to re-negotiate.  Sometimes these contracts auto renew or we are too busy to make changes when they expire.  Calling the vendors on your schedule gives you time to consider the options and make better choices.

I also suggest that clients call their banks about fees.  Quite often clients are paying numerous fees or keeping minimum balances on a large number of accounts.  One client had a credit line that he was using to maintain minimum balances in numerous accounts at the same bank. The banks want to keep business accounts and are often willing to write off fees or update the account to a different fee structure.

If you schedule a call once a year for multi-year and recurring expenses and you will be surprised at the ongoing savings that you can achieve.  Also look at the vendor and see how their services are meeting your needs.  I often find that changing vendors can also save me money, however this involves more time and unless you see significant advantages, this may not be the best strategy.

Accounting Software Formats

Many firms are looking to upgrade or replace their accounting software.  They look forward to a more efficient system but are concerned about making such a large change and the consequences of making the wrong decision.  In the past we looked at fairly similar features and the higher the price the better the software we found.  Today all bets are off and it’s hard to even compare prices of possible solutions. 

The accounting software ecosystem has changed and there are terms that we may not be familiar with or we may not completely understand.  In this article, I’d like to discuss the options:  cloud applications, hosted software, client-server software, and desktop software.  All of these options are very different and the option you choose will significantly affect your access, functionality, workflow, and costs.

Cloud Applications are programs that reside on the software provider’s servers and they are installed and updated by the provider.  You will not need to maintain servers or take daily backups, examples of such applications are QuickBooks Online, NetSuite,and  Xero. 

Hosted Applications are not really a program but a hybrid solution where you select an accounting solution that meets your needs and it is installed on a server provided by a “hosting” company.  This option allows you to choose a software package that meets all your needs without having to maintain a server and the necessary IT staff. 

Client Server Applications are programs that reside on your server and are accessed from various workstations.  The computing is performed at the server and therefore is faster and does not require as robust workstations.  

Desktop Applications are programs that vary from very basic to advanced software that reside on your workstation/computer,  These applications can be single user or accessed by other users on your network. The computing is performed at your computer and will be dependent upon the speed of your computer (and network if shared with other users) Examples of such applications are QuickBooks, and Peachtree. 

I hope this summary has helped you understand the Accounting Software options and will help you narrow down an appropriate software for your business.  


What is the best QuickBooks Program for Managing MY Inventory?

Many clients have inventory and struggle with how to manage the inventory effectively and easily.  Although QuickBooks does have inventory functionality in QuickBooks Pro/Premier and Enterprise, there are various add-on solutions that are also be helpful for your specific needs.  To determine the correct version and add-ons I’ve created the summary below. Retail businesses should also review the Point of Sale section. 

Quick Books Pro

Inventory functionality is very basic.

  1.  Inventory features are designed for businesses that buys and sells the same items over and over again (ie Antique Shops buy and sell different items).
  2. These businesses do not assemble items or repackage them and only have one location.

QuickBooks Premier

Inventory functionality of QuickBooks Pro and

  1. Ability to assemble items (remove raw materials from inventory and replace with finished goods or repackage in smaller quantities.)
  2. Create Sales Orders to manage partial shipments of goods and manage unfulfilled orders

QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions

Inventory functionality of QuickBooks Premier and

  1. Ability to use custom fields in transaction to configure orders
  2. Ability to add-on Advanced Inventory (annual fee)
    1. Use Multiple Inventory Locations
    2. Track Lot and Serial Numbers
    3. Bar Code Tracking

QuickBooks Point of Sale (POS)

This is a separate program that integrates with the other QuickBooks programs mentioned but is designed to work in a retail environment and function as a cash register.   

  1. Ability to run daily cash register reports.
  2. Ability to track individual cashiers
  3. Bar Code Tracking
  4. Multi-Store ability
  5. Styles view to see inventory availably by 2 designated features (i.e. size, color)